SP101 Flooring Plywood

SP101 Flooring Grade Plywood now in Stock in our Plywood Centre in our Swansea Branch South Wales.

SP101 6mm Plywood   SP101 Flooring PlywoodWhy use a Specified Flooring Grade Plywood ?

This is the only Plywood sheet product that is warrantied for Flooring applications. The flooring trade recognises the need to use Plywood that has been produced to a defined industry specification and as such is guaranteed fit for purpose.

As a floor fitter using the correct Plywood for the job is essential if you dont use the correct grade of plywood  you could face problems such as Glue Failure, Varying dimensions, Flatness issues & Poor surface quality.

This is why as a Flooring Importer we have decided to stock SP101 Plywood boards to give our customers the option of purchasing a plywood board that has been produced specifically for the Flooring industry.

SP101 is the only Plywood to achieve Diamond Mark Certification and is approved by the Contract Flooring Association. The ply board sizes that we currently have available from stock are 6mm Plywood and 9mm Ply boards.

Here is a plywood guidance note that is intended to help the industry in specifying and using plywood panels that are entirely suitable as a component of the high valued finished floor.


Plywood Specification detail             

TFT Diamond Marked                                                       Certified

Manufactured to                                                                EN 636-2

Appearance Class                                                             Based on Class 1 from EN636-2

Wood Species                                                                    Mixed Hardwood

Moisture Content                                                               8 – 10%

Thickness Tolerence                                                          5.5mm +- .2mm, 9mm +- .3mm

Dimensional Square Tolerence                                          Tight to EN315

Veneers                                                                             Overlay Quality without core Gaps

Thicker Outer Veneers                                                       Minimum 0.75mm

Average Density                                                                 Approx 500kg/m2

European Timber Regulation                                            Compliant


Feel free to give our Sales team a call on Swansea ( 01792 ) 884828 at our Plywood Centre in Swansea South Wales

where we will be able to advise you on Plywood Specifications.