Buying Artificial Grass

A Comprehensive Guide When Buying Artificial Grass

Artificial Grass  fake Grass

Like any garden and home product, there are virtually hundreds of suppliers that are offering their artificial grass.  But before you proceed with your purchase, you need to make sure that you are getting the highest quality for your money.  Remember that your budget is not the only thing that you should consider when you want to cover your lawn with an astro turf.  To help you on choosing a quality material, we have created a comprehensive guide that will cover the things that you need to consider when you are creating a new lawn.


Your Complete Guide When Shopping for Artificial Grass


Before Shopping


Before you decide to purchase artificial grass from a particular supplier ask for a free sample.  You should also ask them the guarantee of the product which is usually 5 - 10 years.  For those who love a DIY Project, you may also ask if the supplier offers a supply-only service which can mitigate your expenses.  When asking for the total cost of astro turf, you should base the cost of the synthetic grass per square meter.  The total cost should also include the delivery charges.


Looking for a Quality Artificial Lawn


When you are looking for a high-quality artificial lawn, try to compare it with a real grass first.  The best artificial lawn should highly resemble a natural grass.  Try to feel their texture with your hand.  It should be non-abrasive and feel soft in your skin.  Look for holed latex that serves as its drainage system.   Make sure that it has this feature or it can affect the durability of your astro turf.  Finally, you should also analyse the blade of the grass.  A quality synthetic grass has high blade density.


Before the Installation

On the off chance that the supplier is not providing a supply-only service, ask for their portfolio first regarding their latest installation.  Look for their corporate-related experience since it normally signifies their level of experience in the business.  A supplier will normally have an open garden.  Try to visit that to ensure that they have the skills to properly install the pretend grass.  Look at their infill, great suppliers will typically provide non-infill, sand or rubber surface.


Choosing the Right Artificial Lawn


After you managed to find the ideal supplier of your synthetic lawn, the next thing you need to consider would be the type of artificial grass.  This highly depends on a lot of factors including your financial resources, the appearance and texture of the astro turf, the amount of activity in the garden and the individuals using your garden.  In case you have children or pets that will constantly play on the synthetic turf, you may probably require pet-friendly or kid-friendly type of grass.


The things that you need to consider when buying your plastic grass doesn’t end there.  You also need to consider the type of synthetic lawn that you want; the economy, mid-range and the superior lawn.  There are also optional components that you can include such as safety flooring, underlay and the landscape flooring.

For further information on synthetic Grass products feel free to call on Swansea ( South wales ) 01792 884828. Or visit our design display area again in Swansea Depot.
